Druk asb op die skakel vir Con Spirito 2025 Jaar Program
Please click on the link for Con Spirito 2025 Year
Con Spirito is ‘n unieke
Kultuurvereniging, Kultuur met Geesdrif, wat in 2003 gestig is. Ons is passievol oor
kultuur en wil graag vir elke kind die geleentheid skep om sy/haar talente uit te leef
Ons is daar vir enige vorm van kultuur.
Die Vereniging wil graag:
• Kultuur bevorder
• Geleenthede skep
• Talent ontdek en ontwikkel
Kultuurkompetisies van verskeie aard word jaarliks aangebied wat geleentheid bied aan die
wat nie altyd ‘n kans kry in sy/ haar skool nie. Enige skool/organisasie mag deelneem aan
Con Spirirto.
Privaat inskrywings word ook aanvaar.
Druk asb op die skakel vir ons
volledige Brosjure: Con Spirito 2025
Con Spirito is a unique Cultural
Society, Culture with
Enthusiasm, which was established in 2003. We are passionate about culture and would
like to give every child the opportunity to live out his / her talents
We specialise in
any form of culture and we aim to:
• Promote culture
• Create opportunities
• Discover and develop talent
Various kinds of cultural competitions are presented annually to offer
opportunities to those who are not always presented with such a prospect
in his/her shool. Any school/organisation may participate in Con Spirito.
Private entries are also accepted.
Please click on the link for our detailed
Brochure: Con Spirito 2025